One Year Later

One year ago today my journey was about to begin. But I didn't know it. A year ago today, I was at my sickest. See this picture. This is what the meter looked like after I had eaten worked out and eaten some more. It was this way for hours! It took at least 7 or 8 hours for this to improve to this! Even with all of this, I didn't realize I was sick. To this day, I don't exactly know how I survived that day. Instead, I made excuses. I kept having to tell people I had eaten, which I had. But I kept justifying how little I had eaten. I also kept telling people it was just because I had worked out with weights & just burnt a little more fat. No matter what everyone told me I didn't see it. It took me some time. At least a week maybe a little longer. But this was the day that set everything in motion. This was also the day that I started subconsciously questioning the plan I had been following. It was the da...