Pizza! Did I eat it all?

Not every day will be perfect. Not every week will be a good one. This week has been hard. Some days I'm simply reminded that I'm not better. That I still have a long ways to go. Some times it's what and/or how someone says something that sends me spiraling a little backwards, other times it's how something fits, or just the thoughts that come with trying something on. It's hard and this week has been the hardest one in awhile. But in the end, I'm still making progress. Sometimes it's just seeing or knowing that I'm not better and crying because I know I'm not better. Other times it's having a meal I wouldn't have had months ago. Sometimes it's just that I'm eating again. I have restricted several foods. Some of them because I have to! Gluten and lactose issues make certain foods impossible to eat without getting sick. But other foods, I was told they are bad for me, I was told I shouldn't eat them. And I haven't...