Mirror Mirror on the Wall

With weight loss, with working out, with gaining muscle, it all comes with changes These changes are seen by everyone around you. Yet do you see them when you look in the mirror? Can you see that you're smaller? Can you see that you've gained muscle? Can you see that some fat is gone? Or do you still see the old self? Does what you see in the mirror reflect how others see you? No matter my size, I've always seen myself as larger than what others saw me. I've always seen myself as bigger, fatter, etc. than everyone else. Even once I lost almost 50 pounds I still see myself as bigger than anyone else sees me. I still see myself as the "fat kid." I still myself as needing to lose a few pounds. I look in the mirror and hate the reflection! For me it isn't good enough. For me I don't see all the changes for the better. Instead I see a body that still has fat that needs to be gone. I see someone who still isn't toned enough, who ne...